Life Changes in just 3 Short Years...

It's truly amazing how much my life has changed in just 3 short years. I am the same person, but I have a whole new outlook on life.
On the left, I was uncomfortable in my own skin, tired, unhappy with work and wore ugly clothes because nothing fit or looked cute on me anymore.
Now I am in the best shape of my life since college, running my own business from home, able to spend more time with my kids, traveling on free vacations, more energy, overall happier mood.
My advice for you is this.....don't settle.
I thought I would have the "muffin top" the rest of my life because I had the excuse of giving birth to three kids. I thought I would be a 4th grade teacher forever because I was "supposed to". It's what I got my degree in.
Do what is going to make YOU happy. It's never too late for another chance at life.
